Recently, personalized health and wellness plans that are based on DNA have grown so much in popularity. However, it has been long acknowledged by health experts that one-size-fits-all diet approaches seldom work for everyone. For instance, an individual may lose significant weight on a low carb diet but it may not work as well for another person.

Nutritional genomics, or nutrigenomics, is the study of the relationship between the human genome and nutrition. It studies the effects of food on gene expression and how genetic variations can impact nutrition.

Through an understanding of a person’s unique DNA, experts are able to study how the body processes certain nutrients. Specific genes are linked to conditions like food allergies and sensitivities, lactose intolerance, and gluten intolerance.

By using a personalized genetic approach to dieting, a person may have access to important information that explains why certain diets might or might not work. Based on DNA test results, experts will be able to assess a person’s genetic needs and give them recommendations on foods they should eat and foods to avoid.

Aside from diets, the evaluation of a person’s unique genetic profile may even help experts understand the kinds of physical workout that works best to achieve their goals.

Beyond weight loss and fitness, DNA testing for health and wellness also has the potential to address more serious health conditions, allowing everyone to have better control of their body.

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